Financial Programs and Benefits

One of the important questions that pastors have is what to do about insurances and pension if they were to affiliate with the LMS-USA. Typically, those who join with us want to have a complete benefit package that includes life, health and disability income insurances and a pension program. Such a package is available through the LMS-USA. In most cases we are able to transfer a pastor's current pension plan directly to our plan. Each pastor will make his own decision in this matter.

In the pension plan that we have there are many choices regarding how money is invested. Each pastor receives individual counseling in the process of designing a pension portfolio that will match his investment philosophy and help him to reach his retirement goals.

Unlike the plans available through most of the church bodies, our program is individualized and is fully portable. This means that each pastor has his own insurance package and pension program that is designed to meet his particular needs. Further, since it is portable, should he decide to no longer be affiliated with the LMS-USA, he would simply take his insurance and pension program with him. There is no penalty for doing this.

Currently we are in the process of establishing a Foundation for Charitable Giving.

The director of these financial programs and benefits is the Rev. H. Richard Barley, II. He has been in the insurance and investment business since 1982 and brings a wealth of knowledge to this aspect of our church. He is also on the Roster of Pastors of the LMS-USA.

Pastor Barley may be reached at

(717) 832-2922 office

(717) 838-9716 home e-mail (America Online)

He can help to make your transition to LMS-USA easy. He is also willing to help with any questions that you have about your current insurance or retirement plans.