Official Publication of the LMS-USA

February 2005

Volume 12, Number 1

In this Issue:

Religion / Christian

At the annual meeting of the LMS Ministerial, held in Indianapolis on January 17, the focus of the June Annual Conference was decided on: The 475th of the Augsburg Confession. As possible topics for presentation, the question of "Why the Confessions?" was high on the list of suggestions.

It is most interesting to consider this question in light of the religious climate of our day. We live in a day of compromise - a day when we are to focus on what can bring us together rather than considering anything that might foster disagreement ...even if it be the truth. Cooperation and unity are today's bywords. And not only are these to be the bywords among those who consider themselves Christian, we are to be seeking cooperation, if not unity, among all religions and faith traditions.

The LMS-USA will be celebrating its tenth birthday at its June gathering this year. In its founding it went against the prevailing wind of the day. Membership in this new church body was to be by subscription; first to the Word of God, secondly to the Lutheran Confessions, and then to some further documents. By requiring subscription, it means a line has been drawn. On the one side, there are teachings and practices we embrace, on the other side, there are teachings and practices we shun.

This brings us to the topic of this issue of Table Talk. In Religion and Christianity (Part 1), Professor O. Hallesby deals with the issue of the uniqueness of the Christian faith. It is too bad that the entire article could not be included in this issue, because he will begin the May issue with the questions, "Why does Christianity stand so entirely alone? and "Why is there salvation nowhere else?"

In the world of religions it does make a difference what religion (faith) we embrace. This is true in all that goes under the name of "Christianity" in our day also. The Lutheran Church has traditionally held that her Confessions are the true exposition of Scripture, and/or that they are in full agreement with Holy Scripture. Clearly there is a place for the Confessions in the life of the Church today. If we not only give lip service to them... but use them, they will "keep us on track." More of this in the next issue of Table Talk and at our June Conference.

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The 2005 LMS Annual Conference & Convention
The 2005 LMS Conference & Convention
June 24, 25, 26

~ The June 25th Conference ~
The 475th Anniversary of the Augsburg Confession

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Religion and Christianity

From Religious or Christian by O. Hallesby, translated by Clarence J. Carlson,
Copyright (c) 1939 Augsburg Publishing House. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress.
May not be reproduced further without permission from the publisher (

To be continued in next issue

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Contact Information

The LMS-USA is a Biblical, Confessional, Evangelical, Liturgical, Congregational expression of the universal (catholic) orthodox Church on earth. It is a 'Forum by Subscription.' As a 'Forum' the intent is that there will be an ongoing discussion of theological issues and concerns among clergy and lay alike. The LMS-USA meets annually for a Theological Conference and this publication, besides carrying news of the Ministerium and Synod, functions also as a vehicle for this continuing dialogue.

For information or to make comment contact:

President/Pastor, LMS-USA
2837 East New York St.,
Indianapolis, IN 46201

Table Talk
P. O. Box 31
Chetek, WI 54728

email - or

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