Official Publication of the LMS-USA
August 1996
Volume 3, Number 3

Lost: Our Sense of Awe

If our trivialized God is no bigger than our problems, then we are left alone with a gnawing, aching emptiness.

By Tom Shaefer, Knight-Ridder Newspapers

The sense of awe and mystery that could drop believers to their knees is mostly absent. A fearful respect that once meant removing shoes or reverencing a symbol of divine presence is rarely observed.

Today, many believers have homogenized the Holy One. They conceive of God in ways that dont require their humble obedience or patient trusting in adversity. That way, their spiritual digestive systems arent upset.

Annie Dillard wrote: Why do people in churches seem like cheerful, brainless tourists on a packaged tour of the Absolute? Does anyone have the foggiest idea what sort of power we so blithely invoke?

The general mood of the spiritually minded, regardless of their religious identification, seems to ignore the power and majesty of any deity.

Donald McCullough calls it The Trivialization of God and has written a book about it by that title (NavPress, $16). Although analyzing the problem from a Christian perspective, McCullough describes a void in the human spirit that transcends religious boundaries. We have created God in our own image, he says, and the results have been devastating.

McCullough, president of San Franscisco Theological Seminary and a former Presbyterian minister, describes three distinct characteristics of our age.

First, we have lost the sense of awe.

As science filled the void of knowledge once understood to be the domain of the dive, he writes, God was pushed further into the corner.

Before long, God was put out of work altogether by the growing confidence that all things would eventually be explained through refinements in scientific theory, says McCullough.

Second, we are impatient with science. We want - we expect - answers now. But the horrors of war, the tragedy of natural disasters, the frightening specter of disease leave many rejecting any sense of a beneficent, providential deity. Too often we hear no reassuring voice, feel no strong arm lift us.

Third, rampant individualism has infected our beliefs. God is shaped to fit our needs, to be no more than a foot taller than ourselves. A God who in any way threatens to lead us beyond our personal autonomy, says McCullough, will likely be reduced to a more manageable size.

Churches often add to this sad state of affairs by addressing peoples felt needs while downplaying their primary role: proclaimers of sin and grace. Princeton sociologist Robert Wuthnow described what we have reaped from such sowing: At one time theologians argued that the chief purpose of humankind was to glorify God. Now it would seem that the logic has been reversed: The chief purpose of God is to glorify humankind.

In modern dress, it sounds like this: If God doesnt fix what's broken in my life, who needs him? There are doctors to treat my illnesses and lawyers to undo the mistakes of my relationships. There are leisure activities to ease the pain of my everyday life. Besides, I can always create another god whos adaptable to the way I want to live.

The results can be tallied in disrupted homes, unwanted and abused children, drug- and alcohol-related disorders and an endless list of broken lives.

If God is no bigger than our problems, then we are left alone with a gnawing, aching, emptiness that ultimately can be filled only by the One who is Wholly Other.

McCullough contends that the solution lies in people who gather together to emulate the holiness of God. He defines that holiness as giving of ones self to others while pointing to the One who is worthy of honor.

For those of us who are Christians, that can begin in some basic ways.

We can start by bringing back a sense of holiness and awe in our houses of worship. If were going to build large edifices to glorify God, shouldnt they also inspire a time of quiet and meditation and not merely be arenas for chit-chatting? When we gather for worship, says McCullough, whether we are immediately aware of it or not, were about to meet the Wholly Other.

We must face the fact that some of our preconceptions of God are wrong. As McCullough notes: We have fashioned gods to fit the contours of our desires and then bowed before them with religious abandon: the god-of-my-cause, god-of-my-experience, god-of-my-comfort, god-of-my-nation and god-of-my-success have been our particular favorites.

And then we must confront the paradox of life: To know the holy God, we must acknowledge what we do not know; to see the light of God, we must pass through the dark night of the soul; to gain faith. We must begin with doubt. Knowledge of God is born from the womb of reverent agnosticism.

Only by rediscovering the holiness and majesty of God will we be able to face the sufferings and uncertainties of life with comforting hope.

And it must begin on our knees.

Tom Schaefer writes for the
Witchita (Kan.) Eagle,
Reprinted with Permission


On Mending the Modern Soul

By Rev. Ralph Spears

Our LMS-USA President/Pastor, follows up on our lead article, reflecting on it, and adding his own further insights and some closing challenges for the reader.

As God created man in His own image, so man returned the compliment and created God in his own image. This was said half jokingly years ago,but is now a very true statement with little humor.

For, today God has an image problem and that problem is in the mind of man--a subject broached in the book, "Your God is Too Small" which appeared about the same time as the statement. The concept of God IS too small and inverted which is the essence of what Tom Scaefer's calls "The Trivialization of God" borrowing from the title of McCullough's book by the same name.

By the end of the 60's, the "ME" decade, there was no longer room for the 'awe' of God.

This was followed by the "Do it Yourself" decade where church bodies began the now common practice of tinkering with the very depth of historic faith -- liturgies, hymns, worship--because they were....well--no longer fashionable. Thus the baby was thrown out with the bath water.

And this also, subjectively, rules in society's tastes today.The overused question, "how do you FEEL?" takes confession out of the church and centers it around the altar of self--with a "professional" counselor officiating. Ironically true religious experience, the presence of God and prayer are often accused of being too subjective and therefore, unreliable. And more often this critical posture is posed by a scientist who seemingly offers answers from a scientific foundation put in conflict with religious experience. (As one who taught science for ten years, I note that at the same time, they have abandoned the Scientific Method of honest inquiry!)

"O the depth of wisdom and riches and knowledge of God. How unsearchable are His Judgements and how inscrutable His ways!" Romans 11:33 This was not written for the caption under a face for the cover of PARADE magazine--as good as this magazine might be--but came forth as a burst of energy from the an experience of deep awe and wonder of He who is Holy! by Paul in the monumental Epistle to the Romans.

Again it is ironic that science had its birth from the efforts of very religious people, as a method of iniquiry and investigation.

Few, if any, dreamed this method would replace the awe OR the mystery of the experience of God. But if modern man seems enamored with science, it is only for quick answers to questions which require deep reflection. If answers cannot be given within those 60 second sound bites, it's time to "switch channels" or so it would seem now in the latter 1990's. Likewise, lifestyles of this period seem to have regressed to an impatient "live it up while you can" attitude.

This attitude is reflected also in our worship habits for those who still have "time" for it. The trendy, upbeat and fashionable pulse of "praise" services is more and more produced and directed by man and for man. God is only expected to "be there" and "be attentive" to the show. When we began referring to GOD as you' rather than Thou', we lost not just a more archaic word perhaps, but a sense of respect for One set apart and Holy--the One who is really running the show!

"It is HE that has made us and NOT we ourselves!" Psalm 100. This passage comes right after, "the Lord, HE is God." Yes, this has happened before, as God the Sovereign Lord declares in Amos, "I hate the NOISE of your solemn assemblies".

A lack of respect for God and God's house is one thing, but when people do not perceive the sense of awe and wonder of God, they have missed HIM - for God the Lord, IS a God of awe and wonder in the Word of Scripture and the Spirit of Worship. Our forefathers of Faith recognized this and were MORE careful to identify and separate the Sacred (or Holy) from the profane (or worldly) than Confessional Lutherans are to distinguish between the Law and the Gospel. [Alas, this effort is reversed with the growing number of "new" Bible translations, which portray the "majesty of God" more as a thing of casual comfort and convience to the reader, making it very important to take care when choosing a faithful translation, rather than a reworded version.]

To our forefathers, Holy experiences were so powerful that a reverent response was involuntary. The Holy indeed was HOLY, invoking immediate appropriate reaction to "Holy Ground"--with heads bowed down and knees bent and with shoes removed--as Moses was before the Burning Bush. In the Christmas story, the shepherds were "sore afraid" as they hid their faces from the light in a Holy fear. Luther was not afraid to use this Holy fear, balanced with love, to inspire Christian living in the Catechism- to good effect.

But does the problem have its root here? Did our wariness of Holy fear, spur the 20th century need for control? As we explain fear of God as awe--which it is--does it become less acceptable? Would we exhalt ourselves and take our chances, rather than risk humbling ourselves properly to experience worship in the presence? (And NO! Humbling ourselves is not a "backdoor" works righteousness to earn exhaltation!) Would erudite folks--even those who admit being religious--rather humble themselves before a rank of "awesome" stereo speakers for inspiration, rather than before the Awesomeness of God in humble prayer?

Of the latter, one might only say that there is nothing greater than humble prayer in this world and probably in the next (humble prayer will also prevent one from going deaf before the age of thirty).

Not only is God trivialized, Chirst our Lord is remade in the image of our choosing. To listen to a fair amount of contemporary preaching and prayer, it would certainly seem that Jesus is there to do Our bidding and fulfill Our wishes. Despite the witness of Scripture to the contrary, Jesus is portrayed only as a "sweet" Jesus without so much as a reference to His depth, wisdom, riches and knowledge.

The solution to this trivialization of God and Christ is quite simple and immediate. Even before the Commandments are given, God promises, "If you will be my people, I will be your God." (Ex 19:5) And it has to do with attitude as much as anything else. Of course, that attitude helps to bring about proper action as in, "Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving and into His courts with Praise" (Psalm 100); or "be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46). In other words, "in the Silence-know". When Peter was overwhelmed with the "Majestic Presence" along with James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration, the voice of God came as a Thunder of Silence. "Listen to Him--My Beloved Son!" Peter later tells us that we "would do well to pay attention to" the Silence of this Majesty "until He comes again". Good advise!

Some Suggestions/Reflections:

1. When was the last time that you sat--really sat--humbly in the magnificent Presence of God and thought nothing of your own thoughts? (When Jacob said, "How awful is this place" he didn't mean terrible, but awe inspiring).

2. Sit under the Word, where that Majestic Presence of God in Christ might encounter you. Savor the words of God, as you would sip a fine wine, and reflect on Their meaning.

3. Prepare yourself for worship the way that an athlete prepares for a big game. Pastors should always prepare themselves as much as they prepare their sermons. When they do the first, it is much easier to do the last. The same holds true for teachers or readers who should prepare themselves before they prepare their lessons.

4. Remember Luther's sacristy Prayer which says, in effect, "Lord be with me as I Preach Thy Word for without Thee I would make a bigger mess than usual."

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, and Knowledge of  the Holy One is Understanding" (Proverbs 9:10) The trend towards the trivialization of God is entrenched and powerful. It requires attention to Him and His Word. At times, it is easy. But, "All who acknowledge Him, He will acknowledge" and "all who ask His help will receive it immediately."


Once in a while - well, maybe more often than we would like to admit - mistakes and ommissions crop up in our finished product. Last issue, the credit was absemt from the article, No Ordinary Word. Rev. John Erickson authored that article.

We appreciate deeply the support shown the LMS-USA. That support has enabled us to purchace a scanner (brings the pictures and/or printed text into the computer) for our publication work.

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church
Open House and Dedication

June was a very special month in the life of the Faith Ev. Lutheran Congregation of Altoona-Duncansville, PA. The work on renovating a block warehouse building into a church had begun in November of 1995 and the congregation moved into the unfinished but usable church facility on February 11, 1996. Carpeting in the sanctuary of the church was installed in time for a Public Open House on Sunday June 16. Also installed in time for the open house were the Church name and Cross on the exterior of the church, a large sign adjacent to the church, and a large wood sanctuary wall cross. A refreshment tent was erected outside the church in one section of the church parking lot. Special invitations were sent to all other area Lutheran Congregations as well as to the ELCA Synod Bishop for the area and several large public invitations were placed in the area newspapers.

Attendance at the open house was very gratifying. Somewhere close to 600 persons attended the public open house event. Two weeks following the open house Faith Lutheran held a Service of Dedication.

The church air conditioning system was installed in time for the Dedication Service. Well over 150 persons packed the sanctuary of the congregation with additional overflow seating placed in the church kitchen. Christ Lutheran, Chetek sent special flowers in celebration of the occasion and letters of greeting were received from sister LMS-USA congregations and from LMS-USA pastors. Pastor Larry Douthwaite and several families attended from Living Faith Congregation in Littlestown, PA.

Pastor Roy A. Steward, Sr. Pastor of the congregation officiated and preached at the Service of Dedication and was assisted in the liturgy by Assistant Pastor, H. Richard Barley. Pastor Barley and Pastor Douthwaite assisted in the distribution of Communion. The Service of Dedication began with the Order of Dedication, After the dedication of the church and its furnishings the liturgy continued with the Order of Confession and Forgiveness and this was followed by the celebration of the first Baptism to be held in the new church.

During the reading of the Gospel lesson and the preaching of the sermon by Pastor Steward a torrential downpour occurred outside the Church. The Word was being preached and abundant water was poured forth upon the building. The Baptismal connection was not lost on any who were at the dedication worship service. As the sermon concluded the rain ceased on the outside and the sun came out as the congregation celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Following the worship all exited the church to enjoy supper fellowship in a tent erected on a section of the church parking lot.

Truly the day of dedication was a day of joy and thanksgiving by the people of Faith Evangelical Lutheran. The congregation began with nothing more that God's Word, people, and a pastor. The congregation met in a rented facility for 4 years and 2 months. Apart from the mortgage needed to purchase the property the Faith Lutheran Congregation has completely remodeled a block warehouse building into a beautiful church facility and has completely paid for all remodeling work and furnishings. Thinking initially that they would have only folding chairs for seating and a gravel parking lot for many years to come, the congregation is awed and humbled to behold all that the Lord has enabled to be accomplished - including a blacktopped parking lot, full air-conditioning, all needed church pews and chancel furnishings, a fully equipped kitchen, Sunday School classrooms, and wall to wall sanctuary and classroom area carpeting. Some finishing work remains to be completed for three Sunday School classroom areas and for exterior porches but has already been fully funded. Plans are already beginning for an addition of an office and additional classroom area as well as for a Social Hall area. After years of holding its own in rental settings the Faith Congregation has already begun to show solid growth in numbers since moving into the new facility.

From - Barley Ev. Lutheran Church - Bakers Summit, PA.

Work crews from the congregation poses for this picture (the end of May) after erecting the congregation's antique army tent. The tent was erected to provide a meeting place for their newly organized Sunday School program. The tent rests on one of the possible sites for a planned new educational/social hall facility. The tent will be taken down in September but it has successfully weathered the terrible storms of this summer in the northeast.

Guest Speaker named for the Fourth Annual Conference of the LMS-USA

Dr. Carter Lindberg the author of THE THIRD REFORMATION and Professor of Religion at Boston University will be guest lecturer at the Fourth Annual Conference (the Second Annual Convention) of The Lutheran Ministerium and Synod-U.S.A. June 9th. and 10th. at St. Matthew Lutheran Church 2837 E. New York Street, Indianapolis, IN 46201.

Both scholarly and readable, THE THIRD REFORMATION charts the rise and spread of the charismatic and church growth movements within the Lutheran Church while contrasting it with the influence of the enthusiasts, so called, of Luther's day. The similarities between THEN and NOW are remarkable making this book more startlingly relevant today than it was some twelve years ago at its publication.

How the Creeds and Confessions (including the Augsburg Confession) are by-passed and short circuited will be the subject of Carter Lindberg's presentations to us on June 9th and 10th.

Conference Presentation Book Now Available

As in the past, the presentations of our Indianapolis Conference have been put in booklet form and are available for purchase. The presentations from the April 1996 Conference which are included are:

The Confessions - How They have Grown Out of Scripture, by Rev. Ralph Spears

Creeds As Confessions in Liturgy, by Rev. Mark Dankof

Doctrine, Liturgy, Confessions: They can be divisive - So why do we need them? by Rev. Roy Steward

Quia Verses Quatenus: Definitions of Some Very Loaded Latin Terms for the Second Grade as They Apply to the 21st Century with a Quick Historical Overview, a play by Maureen Spears

The Conference Communion Service Sermon on Hebrews 10:25 by Rev. John Erickson.

These booklets, in a 8 1/2 by 11 inch format are available at $5.00 each (postage and handling included).

Presentation Booklets from our previous conferences are also avilable at the $5.00 price. The first Conference focus was on the inerrancy of Scripture, the second on the Holy Spirit and His Gifts.

Send your book orders to:

Rev. John Erickson
P. O. Box 31
Chetek, WI 54728

If you have an iterest in audio tapes of these presentations, contact Rev. Ralph Spears (see address on the back page of this newsletter).

Editors Note: We encourage our readers to critically review the following preliminary statement and we invite constructive comments.

Send such to: LMS-USA, 2837 East New York St., Indianapolis, IN 46201

Preliminary Annotated Statement* on The Holy Spirit and His Proper Work Revised following The Indianapolis Conference of the LMS-USA April 22-23, 1996

I. His Person and Nature

We believe and hold that He is true God*

II. His Work

We believe and hold that The Proper Work of the Holy Spirit of God has been revealed and set forth in the clear statement of Gods Holy Word.

We believe that the proper work of the Holy Spirit is to work faith in the heart of man*

III. His Workshop

We believe that The Christian Church or Communion of Saints is called into being by the Holy Spirit to serve as the place in which He offers and bestows His gifts of enlightenment and Sanctification.

We believe that The Holy Spirit preserves The Church, His Workshop, in union with Jesus Christ in the one true faith and that within the Church He daily and abundantly forgives the sins of all believers

IV. His Tools

We believe that the chief tools of The Holy Spirit to be:

A.The Word (Law and Gospel) and Sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion - The True Sign gifts of God)

We believe that the Holy Spirit uses the Biblical Word of Law as a tool to convict man of sin and then uses the Biblical Word of Gospel to bring man to Faith.

B. The Church (Communion of Saints) - which through His Workshop is also the tool of the Spirit

We believe that just as the Son obtains dominion by purchasing us through his birth, death and resurrection, etc., so the Holy Spirit effects our sanctification through the following: the Communion of Saints or Christian Church,...... (LC, Article III, Creed)

C. The Offices of Ministry as given by Christ Jesus for the Life of the Church

We believe that God the Son (Jesus our Christ) has given the gifts of Office in His Church, namely: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher. But it is the Holy Spirit of God who calls and equips individuals to fill these Offices : for the purpose of "preparing Gods people for works of service. (Ephesians 4:11-13).

D. The special gifts of the Spirit as given individually 

We believe that the Holy Spirit grants special gifts of service and of working to individuals as He determines for the building up of the Church. ....To each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good (1 Cor 12:7). Where a particular gift of service , a gift of working, or a fruit of the Spirit becomes the main focus in and of itself, however, we believe that such does not build up the church. And where a particular gift of service or a gift of working becomes a category for judgment of others in the church as to their possession of the Holy Spirits gifts of grace we believe that such gifts not to be the work of the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 12:4-6).

E. The Gifts of Talent, Ability and Vocation endowed each by God the Father

We believe that the Christian Church The Holy Spirit brings to awareness various gifts of vocation given unto each person at birth and encourages that these gifts and abilities be used in the work of the kingdom and for the building up of the Church.

F. Extra-ordinary means

We believe that while the Holy Spirit can indeed work through extra-ordinary means that it is nonetheless the clear testimony of Holy Scripture that he chiefly does and has done His proper work through the tools of Holy Scripture and the Sacraments. Where the Gospel is purely preached and taught and where the sacraments are rightly administered there we believe the Holy Spirit of God does His Proper work and we believe that it is in this context, and only in this context that we can know for sure that the Holy Spirit of God is at work.

We believe that while the Holy Spirit did make use of extra-ordinary signs in the initial establishment of the Church that these are not the ongoing norm for the Spirits Proper Work .

V. His Workmanship

A. His Work for Individual Members of the Church

We believe that the proper work of the Holy Spirit is to work faith in the heart of Man. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- (Eph. 2:8). For we are Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10).

We believe that the Holy Spirit Offers and bestows, Offers and applies, Offers and effects Forgiveness of Sin, Life, and Salvation.

These are given to all members of the church through Word and Sacrament. The Holy Spirit effects Sanctification for believers through the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of Sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Thus His work of sanctification for each member of the Church continues until Life everlasting is effected for each by the Spirit.

We believe that the Holy Spirit first leads individuals into His holy Community (The Church), places each in the bosom of the Church, and then preaches to each and works to bring each person to Christ.

B. His Work for the Ongoing Mission of the Church in the World

We believe that the Holy Spirit individually apportions to those who are brought to faith in Christ individual gifts and abilities for the work of the Church as He deems necessary and for the good of the Church.

We believe that each member of the Church has been given special abilities or talents by God the Father at birth. The Holy Spirit works to bring to the awareness of the individual members of the Church as well as to the Church itself these gifts of talent and ability that they may be utilized in works of vocation.

We believe that the Holy Spirit calls persons to different kinds of service and that He likewise grants different kinds of working abilities.

We believe that these are given in a hierarchy of importance for the work of building up the church and that all are of importance for that work.

VI. The Results of His Work and Workmanship

A. Fruits

We believe that the Holy Spirit empowers believers [the branches grafted into the true vine (John 15) to bear good fruit in their lives. ...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

We reject the following notions:

1) We reject the notion that speaking in tongues should ever be equated with justification before God (Romans 3:28; 5:1; Ephesians 2:8).

2) We reject the teaching that salvation is assured to those receiving the Spirits gifts (Acts 4:12; Romans 10:10).

3) We reject the concept that infant Baptism is spiritually insignificant or even a hindrance to the work of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 18:10).

4) While not denying the renewing work of the Holy Spirit, we reject any second blessing or second baptism theology which would detract from the all-sufficient work of Christ or would teach that the Holy Spirit is not fully given in Holy Baptism. (Ephesians 2:8; 4:3-6; Romans 3:22-24)

5) We reject any spiritual pride that would regard any experience or gift of the Spirit as a step above or beyond justification by faith in Christ. We hold that all Christians gather at the foot of the Cross, which is level ground for all. (Luke 10:17-20; 18:9-14; 1Timothy 1:15; 1 Corinthians 14:18-19).

6) We reject the concept that in this life it is possible to live entirely without sin and sinning (Romans 7:21-25).

7) We reject the thought that faith enables a person to appropriate (demand) the fulfillment of his prayers (Matthew 26:39; 2 Corinthians 12:7-9).

8) We reject the notion that every gift of the Holy Spirit as listed in the New Testament is necessary or even desirable for the fullness of the Spirit in the congregation.

9) We reject the concept that the fullness of the Spirit for an individual Christian requires speaking in tongues, etc. (Ephesians 3:17-19).

10) We reject the idea that anyone can come to God, be enlightened in the faith, be justified and saved without hearing Gods Word (Mark4:1-20; Romans 10:17; Epitome, Article II. Free Will, 471:13).

11) We reject any teaching that regards the Sacraments as optional in Christian living (Matthew 28:19; Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:24,25).

12) We reject the distinction between a little Faith and Perfected Faith especially as it is applied to the view that Christians having a perfect Faith can always live without illness, or that all illness can be overcome by perfect faith (2 Corinthians 12:7-9).

13) We reject the notion that the gifts of the Holy Spirit can be taught or learned.

14) We reject the concept that Justification is an infusion of grace into man by the work of the Spirit.

15) We reject the concept that the events of the Bible are to be replicated in every congregation or in every generation; for example, If there are tongues, they will cease (1 Corinthians 13:8).


* Annotated explanations and definitions for the various theological words and phrases follow. We intend for this subscriptional document to serve as catechesis document .

A Good Preacher

A good preacher should have these properties and virtues; first, to teach systematically; secondly, he should have a ready wit; thirdly, he should be eloquent; fourthly, he should have a good voice; fifthly, a good memory; sixthly, he should know when to make an end; seventhly, he should be sure of his doctrine; eighthly, he should venture and encourage body and blood, wealth and honour, in the word; ninthly, he should suffer himself to be mocked and jeered of every one.

The Table Talk of Martin Luther

The LMS-USA is a 'Forum by Subscription' in the Moderate Conservative or Middle Conservative position in American Lutheranism. As a 'Forum' the intent is that there will be an ongoing discussion of theological issues and concerns among clergy and lay alike. The LSM-USA meets annually for a Theological Conference and this publication, besides carrying news of the Ministerium and Synod, functions also as a vehicle for this continuing dialogue.

For information or to make comment contact:

President/Pastor, LMS-USA
2837 East New York St., Indianapolis, IN 46201
AOL & Internet Contact: LMS

Table Talk
P. O. Box 31
Chetek, WI 54728